Placeholder: A thin professor man with sallow skin, a large hooked nose, yellow teeth, greasy black hair down to his shoulders and black eyes A thin professor man with sallow skin, a large hooked nose, yellow teeth, greasy black hair down to his shoulders and black eyes



A thin professor man with sallow skin, a large hooked nose, yellow teeth, greasy black hair down to his shoulders and black eyes

1 year ago

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2432 × 3648


god next to an alien, photorealistic, 4k, head and shoulder view, , soft white lighting from front
Hombre cabeza de rana
Moises , sin pelo en la cabeza con mirada vaga y color de piel blanca
Moises , sin pelo con mirada vaga y color de piel blanca
Le Penseur gerçekçi
Moises , sin pelo en la cabeza con mirada vaga y color de piel blanca
راس رجل
Skinny man with a big head talking
Creepy Smooth featureless man, just skin face, with no nose holes, no eyes, no mouth and no ear holes, hyper realistic, realism, real, had, hdr, photography, Leica, 4k, fujifilm
ceramic sculpture, masculine, mysterious, easy, simple
梵高头顶两只兔子长耳朵 贾科梅蒂的绘画密集的线条 后疫情时代的死亡歌赋 乐谱 手机电脑与口罩 政客谈判 异形 异化 马蒂斯舞蹈 奥威尔1984老大哥 亚当夏娃红蓝泳装 爱情 拥抱 原始的记忆 山海经人物 弗朗西斯培根 阿德里安格尼 迪本科恩

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