Placeholder: mystical amulet, black background, purple lighting, icon mystical amulet, black background, purple lighting, icon



mystical amulet, black background, purple lighting, icon

6 months ago

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amulet, black background, purple lighting, icon
There is a magic dark amulet in the center around it there are magic stones on black background
An amulet set with purple gems. The amulet is tied with a steel chain. You have to see the whole chain The amulet has a gloomy appearance. Whole figure. Comic-book style.
magic dark amulet in the center on black background
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The motherstone: a bismuth like magical stone holy to the Kaïan violet wood elves. It is kept in a dark chamber with iridescent circuitry throughout the dark stone walls and floors. Dark and moody yet ethereal. Art Nouveau.
dungeons & dragons; pendant; necklace; purple
amulet, black background, purple lighting, icon
a human divine soul socerer from dnd world, On the necklace hangs a black gemstone with a deep purple edge
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Black Long Sword, Purple Glowing Runes

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