Placeholder: by Joan Miro and Tamasz Setowski, Pink_Floyd album cover art, what did you dream - we told you what to dream, album cover art, sharp colors, eerie, smooth, surreal, THE MACHINE by Joan Miro and Tamasz Setowski, Pink_Floyd album cover art, what did you dream - we told you what to dream, album cover art, sharp colors, eerie, smooth, surreal, THE MACHINE



by Joan Miro and Tamasz Setowski, Pink_Floyd album cover art, what did you dream - we told you what to dream, album cover art, sharp colors, eerie, smooth, surreal, THE MACHINE

blurry, bad composition, person in foreground,

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by Alan Kenny and Tomasz Setowski, Pink_Floyd album cover art, what did you dream - we told you what to dream, album cover art, sharp colors, eerie, smooth, surreal, THE MACHINE
Pink Floyd album art for "A Saucerful of Secrets", The Massed Gadgets of Hercules, surreal, by Marc Davis, by Alan Kenny, by Gerald Scarfe, concept art, dramatic, silkscreened, color ink illustration, psychedelic album cover, expansive, smooth, Syncopated Pandemonium
Wish You Were a Little Sick, by Tomasz Setowski and Gerald Scarfe and Partick Woodroffe, surreal color ink illustration, Pink_Floyd album art, dramatic, color splash, psychedelic, maximalism
antics grow strange in a dream of cunning annihilations, damaged thoughts of a crooked creaking mistake looking at itself, by Gerald Scarfe, by Yves Tanguy, by Zdzislaw Beksinski, asymmetric surrealism, nightmarish, dreamy colors, existential dread of Bekinski, uncanny machinations of Scarfe, Tanguy's non-sequitors, oh how he made them roll, interrupted images, awkward seques
Pink Floyd album art for "A Saucerful of Secrets", The Massed Gadgets, surreal, by Marc Davis, by Alan Kenny, by gerald Scarfe, concept art, dramatic, silkscreened, color ink illustration, psychedelic album cover, expansive, smooth, Syncopated Pandemonium.
Pink Floyd album art for A Saucerful of Secrets, The Massed Gadgets of Lunacy, surreal, by Al Jaffee, concept art, dramatic, silkscreened, color ink illustration, album cover by Emek, expansive, smooth, Syncopated meander
Pink Floyd album art for A Saucerful of Secrets, The Massed Gadgets of Lunacy, surreal, by Mark Kostabi, concept art, dramatic, silkscreened, color ink illustration, album cover by Emek, expansive, smooth, Syncopated meander
Learning to damage brains, Braille art texture, abstract surrealism, by Helen Cottle and Gerald Scarfe and Zdzislaw Beksinski, silkscreened mind-bending illustration; warm colors, Pink_Floyd album cover art, asymmetric, Braille language glyphs spelling crazy
Surrealism, domestic blister, Venn diagram, style by Max Ernst and Wayne Barlow, smooth, weird, neo surrealism, , color fine point illustration, artistic, atmosphere of a Sean Tan nightmare
Mystics building the tower of Babel, Elephants with long legs used as scaffolds, expansive art, surreal art, by Yves Tanguy, colorful, cel-shading, Progressive Rock album cover art graphics by George Hardie.
Pink Floyd album art for A Saucerful of Secrets, The Massed Gadgets of Hercules, surreal, by Marc Davis, by Chris Bachalo, concept art, dramatic, silkscreened, color ink illustration, album cover, expansive, smooth, Syncopated Pandemonium
Vivisection of the spheres, creeping crawling in the Hollywood Hills, Bridget Bate Tichenor and Joan Miro and Zdzislaw Beksinski deliver a surreal masterpiece, muted colors, sinister, creepy, sharp focus, dark shines, asymmetric, randomly upside-down elements

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