In the distant future, a lone astronaut stands on an alien desert, the sun setting in vibrant hues of orange and yellow. His helmet reflects the light as he gazes at towering structures on the horizon—remnants of a once-great civilization. With every step through the barren sands, the weight of his mission grows heavier. Is he a pioneer, or merely the last witness to a forgotten world? The silence around him answers with nothing but the wind, carrying echoes of what once was.
(blurry), (soft focus), (low resolution), (bad lighting), (out of focus), (poor composition), (unflattering pose), ((flat expression)), (awkward angles), ((distorted features)), (overexposed), (underexposed), (bad shadows), ((badly retouched)), (poorly framed), (low-quality photography),
3 months ago
Guidance Scale
1248 × 832